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How Does One Attain Sincerity?

Explanation by Shaikh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen
[Taken from ‘An Explanation to Riyaadh as-Saaliheen’ Vol1, Trans. Abu Sulaymaan and modified.] Al-Fawaa`id [218-219] of Imaam Ibnul-Qayyim al-Jawziyyah, may Allaah have mercy upon him.]

As for renouncing the love of praise and commendation then this is made easy by your knowing that there is no one who can praise you such that it would benefit you, or censure and vilify you such that it would harm you save Allaah alone.

Sincerity cannot coexist in a heart that contains the love of praise and commendation and the yearning to possess that which is owned by the people save in the manner that fire and water or a lizard and fish may coexist.

If your soul directs you to seek sincerity then first turn your attention towards your yearning and slaughter it with the knife of renunciation. Then turn your attention towards praise and commendation and forsake it with the asceticism of those who loved the world for the sake of the Hereafter. When your slaughtering of your yearning and the renunciation of praise and commendation becomes firm then attaining sincerity will become easy for you.

If it is asked: what may facilitate the act of slaughtering ones yearning and renouncing the love of praise and commendation?

I would reply: as for slaughtering your yearning then this is made easy by you having certain knowledge that there is nothing that one would desire except that its treasures are in the Hand of Allaah alone and none has power over it save Him. There is no one who may bestow these things to a servant except for Allaah.

As for renouncing the love of praise and commendation then this is made easy by your knowing that there is no one who can praise you such that it would benefit you, or censure and vilify you such that it would harm you save Allaah alone. This is what occurs in the hadeeth in which the Arab said to the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam), “my being praised is adornment and my being vilified is disgrace,” to which the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said, “that is (for) Allaah.”

[Reported by at-Tirmidhee [no. 3266] with a saheeh isnaad from Baraa`a bin Aazib (RA).]

So renounce the praise of one whose praise cannot beautify you and the vilification of one whose censure cannot disgrace you! Instead desire the praise of the One whose commendation contains perfect beauty and the One whose censure contains total disgrace. This cannot be attained except after patience and certainty for when there is no patience and certainty then you are like one who wished to traverse an ocean without a vessel to carry him!

Allaah said,

“Be patient! Indeed the Promise of Allaah is true and let not those who are devoid of certainty discourage you from conveying (the message).” [al-Rum (30):60]

“We have made from amongst them leaders, guiding under Our Command when they were patient and believed in Our Signs with certainty.” [al-Sajdah (32):24]


Ada dua hal yang perlu kita petik dari kasus Manohara

Pertama. Kasus ini membuktikan bahwa kemewahan tidak menjamin kebahagiaan. Banyak gadis yang saat ini mendambakan kemewahan sehingga berani menempuh segala cara untuk mendapatkannya. Mungkin benar bahwa materi bisa memenuhi kebutuhan yang bisa di nilai dengan materi. Tapi ada kebutuhan immateri yang harus juga di penuhi dalam hidup ini. Dan itu terkadang tidak memerlukan materi. Dan inilah yang menjadi sumber kebahagiaan.

Saya tidak menuduh bahwa Manohara hanya menginginkan kemewahan saja, tapi saya kira salah satu alas an dia mau menikah dengan fakhri adalah karena kelebihan materi. Dan inilah yang akhirnya membawa kehidupan semu bagi Manohara. Dia tertipu dengan penampilan fakhri yang santun padahal wajah aslinya dia adalah seorang ……

Kedua. Pemerintah Indonesia menunjukkan wajah aslinya yang sangat lemah ( lumpuh ). Bandingkan dengan upaya FBI yang membantu Manohara, dimana ibunya hanya berbekal dokumen yang sangat minim. Pemerintah sekali lagi tidak berdaya dan hanya bersembunyi dengan label diplomasi, menjaga hubungan kedua negara atau ini hanya urusan keluarga.

Masih banyak kasus penyiksaan yang tidak akan pernah bisa di selesaikan oleh pemerintah Indonesia. Karena di satu sisi pemerintah menjadi sangat garang ketika menggusur para pedagang di pinggir jalan karena di anggap mengganggu ketertiban. Tapi menjadi lumpuh ketika berhadapan dengan negara sekecil Malaysia atau Singapura atau bahkan Timor Timur

sumber : odelia pinot

Satu lagi informasi yang mungkin dapat bermanfaat. Kali ini mengenai makanan dan minuman penurun kolesterol.
Anggapan mengenai tingginya kolesterol dalam darah hanya bisa terjadi pada manula atau mereka yang usianya sudah kepala empat, sungguh salah besar.
Menurut dr. Suyanto Sidik Sp.PD dari RS Internasional Bintaro, Banten, kolesterol tinggi bisa terjadi pada usia muda, bahkan di usia belasan.

Tips menurunkan kolesterol:

* Hindari atau kurangi mengkonsumsi makanan dan minuman berminyak, berlemak, dan mengandung kolesterol tinggi.
Contoh: jeroan, kepiting, udang, kerang, kacang-kacangan, daging, santan, minyak, margarin, cokelat, dan gula.
* Olahraga
Menurut Prof. Dr. Walujo S. Soerjodibroto, Ph.D, guru besar FKUI – Departemen Ilmu Gizi, tubuh manusia sangat susah mengeluarkan kolesterol. Agar kolesterol tidak menumpuk maka harus dikeluarkan secara paksa. Caranya dengan banyak beraktivitas fisik.
Lakukan olahraga rutin minimal 20 menit setiap hari.
* Perbanyak konsumsi makanan dan minuman yang dapat menurunkan kadar kolesterol.
Semua buah dan sayuran mengandung serat. Jadi, semua buah dan sayuran juga mampu menurunkan kolesterol. Serat dapat mengikat kolesterol sehingga tak beredar dalam darah. Sedangkan vitamin C untuk homeostasis alias pengatur keseimbangan kolesterol.Yang perlu diingat, sayuran yang kaya vitamin C cukup direbus setengah matang. Kalau sampai matang, vitaminnya hilang.Jika sayuran atau buah-buahan dibuat menjadi jus, minumlah bersama ampasnya, karena ampas itu merupakan sumber serat yang mampu menurunkan kadar kolesterol.

Beberapa jenis makanan dan minuman yang dapat membantu menurunkan kadar kolesterol adalah sebagai berikut:

BAWANG PUTIH – Konsumsi bawang putih setengah sampai satu siung sehari secara kontinyu selama satu bulan mampu menurunkan kolesterol sebanyak 9%. Harap dosisnya diperhatikan benar! Jika terlalu banyak, tak baik bagi kesehatan. Mengonsumsi lebih dari tiga siung setiap hari dapat menimbulkan diare, kentut, sebah, dan demam. Bahkan bisa memunculkan perdarahan lambung.

Salah satu zat antikolesterol paling kuat pada bawang putih adalah ajoene. Senyawa ini juga dapat mencegah penggumpalan darah. Walau bawang putih dimasak, kandungan senyawa ini tidak rusak. Pada 1981, peneliti dari Pusat Riset Obat-obatan di Tagore Medical College, India, melaporkan efek bawang putih mentah dan goreng yang diujicobakan pada 20 pasien dengan riwayat penyakit jantung. Menurut laporannya, terdapat pengurangan kecenderungan pembentukan bekuan darah pada pembuluh darah mereka. Ini ditunjukkan oleh aktivitas fibrinolitik yang meningkat. Penelitian juga mengemukakan, khasiat memang sedikit berkurang bila bawang digoreng, tapi tak terlalu bermakna. Jadi pandangan umum yang menyatakan bawang putih akan kehilangan efeknya bila dimasak adalah salah.

Khasiat bawang putih juga bergantung pada tempat tumbuhnya. Bawang putih yang tumbuh di tanah kaya selenium akan mengandung selenium yang tinggi pula sehingga manfaatnya sebagai obat antipenuaan akan lebih terasa.

TEMPE – Sekalipun berasal dari rumpun kacang-kacangan, tempe sangat ampuh dalam menurunkan kolesterol. Tempe memiliki kandungan niacin yang mampu menurunkan kolesterol. Tempe mengandung niacin 5 x lebih banyak daripada kedelai. Selain juga mengandung isoflavon yang sudah teruji bisa menurunkan kolesterol.

TEH – Menurut penelitian, EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate), yaitu komponen bioaktif paling dominan dalam teh terbukti mampu mencegah percepatan oksidasi kolesterol LDL (kolesterol jahat). Artinya dengan mengonsumsi teh setiap hari dalam jumlah yang wajar, risiko penyumbatan pembuluh darah penyebab penyakit jantung dapat dikurangi.

ANGGUR – Selain serat, di dalam buah anggur terdapat pula zat catechin yang sangat baik dalam menurunkan kolesterol.

APEL – Buah yang satu ini sangat terkenal kaya akan serat dan zat antioksidan. Sudah tentu apel pun kaya vitamin C. Maka dari itu, apel bisa juga diandalkan sebagai penurun kolesterol. Sebaiknya apel dikonsumsi beserta kulitnya, karena di kulit inilah terdapat kandungan pektin (serat larut yang ampuh sekali dalam menurunkan kadar kolesterol) dan antioksidan paling banyak.

ALPUKAT/AVOKAD – Selama ini avokad dikenal kaya akan lemak. Tak heran jika buah ini selalu dijauhi manakala kolesterol sedang tinggi, padahal avokad sangat baik untuk menurunkan kolesterol. Buah ini mengandung asam lemak tak jenuh yang baik untuk menurunkan kolesterol jahat.

BLUEBERRY – Buah blueberry mungkin dapat dijadikan salah satu pengobatan alternatif dalam menurunkan kolesterol di tubuh kita. Karena penelitian yang dilakukan para ahli di Amerika dengan menggunakan binatang pengerat memberikan hasil yang memuaskan dalam menurunkan kolesterol.

Walaupun ini baru merupakan penelitian awal, tapi telah memberikan harapan baru untuk mengembangkannya sebagai salah satu pengobatan. Penelitian ini diungkapkan pada pertemuan American Chemical Society.

Komponen yang ada dalam blueberry, Pterostilbene, menunjukkan efek yang menstimulasi protein reseptor yang ada dalam sel, yang berperan penting dalam menurunkan kolesterol dan lemak tubuh lainnya.

Kerja Pterostilbene ini, mirip dengan kerja dari obat penurun kolesterol, Ciprofibrate. Ciprofibrate ini efektif dalam menurunkan kolesterol dalam darah, tapi dapat menimbulkan efek samping seperti nyeri otot dan mual pada beberapa orang. Sedang blueberry, yang bekerja pada reseptor sel hati sebagai target kerjanya, akan bekerja lebih akurat. Sehingga efek sampingnya juga lebih kecil. Dalam penelitian ini juga tidak ditemukan adanya efek samping.

Penelitian lainnya pada blueberry, menyebutkan bahwa Pterostilbene mungkin juga dapat membantu melawan kanker dan diabetes. Dan juga tidak tertutup kemungkinan dipakai untuk mencegah kegemukan dan penyakit jantung.

Penelitian lebih lanjut pada manusia diperlukan setelah penelitian di laboratorium ini membawa hasil yang menjanjikan. Tapi yang tetap penting harus terus dilakukan adalah tetap melakukan aktifitas fisik yang disertai dengan pola makan yang sehat, banyak konsumsi sayur dan buah dan rendah lemak jenuh. Semua itu merupakan cara terbaik dalam menurunkan kolesterol dan risiko penyakit jantung.

IKAN – Ikan sangat kaya asam lemak tak jenuh (omega3). Selain dapat menurunkan kadar kolesterol dalam darah, asam lemak ini juga mencegah terjadinya pengumpulan keping-keping darah yang mengakibatkan penyumbatan pembuluh darah.

Berdasarkan habitatnya terdapat dua golongan ikan; ikan air tawar dan ikan laut. Habitat ikan memengaruhi kandungan zat gizi ikan. Ikan air tawar kaya akan karbohidrat dan protein, sedangkan ikan laut kaya akan lemak tak jenuh, vitamin dan mineral.

kandungan Asam Lemak Omega-3 per 100 gram
Jenis ikan Asam Lemak Omega-3 (gram)
Tuna 2,1
Sardin 1,2
Salmon 1,6
Makarel 1,9
Herring 1,2
Teri 1,4
Tongkol 1,5
Tenggiri 2,6
Tawes 1,5
Kembung 2,2


* Majalah Nakita


Seeing that his mother was in a good mood, Ahmad sat near her and said, ‘Mother, I have an idea which should bring you much joy.” His mother answered eagerly, “My son, all that you give me makes me happy. What is on your mind?”

“You know,” he told her, “I have finished my studies and can afford to begin a family. I have decided to marry.”

His mother’s face brightened with a smile. “This is very good news! I have long awaited such a day,” she told him. “How often I have wished you would marry one of your cousins. Praise be to Allah that you have made this decision before it is too late!.” Ahmad exclaimed, “Before it’s too late? What do you mean?” “Your cousin Maryam is now old enough to marry. Every day there is someone visiting her home, seeking her hand.”

Ahmad sat silently for a moment and said, “Then why should we bother her suitors?”

“What do you mean, Ahmad?,” asked his mother, dismayed.

“My cousin Maryam is not fit for me.”

“Why not? No, my son, you’re mistaken. I shall go and see about your engagement tomorrow,” his mother told him.

Ahmad frowned and said, “No, mother. Please do not do such a thing. I will not agree to this.” “When she becomes your fiancé, you will feel love for her. Put aside your fears. Maryam is beautiful, and she has a respectable job.”

Ahmad disagreed, “No. This matter only concerns me.”

Ahmad’s mother thought for a moment and said, “If you dislike Maryam, then there’s my brother’s daughter. She is as beautiful as Maryam, and she has inherited a large sum of money from my brother.

“Mother, please think about this matter from my point of view. I need someone to share my life, not a business partner.”

His mother became angry and sharply asked, “What’s wrong with my niece? Why isn’t she good enough to be your wife?”

Ahmad replied, “She is not a practicing Muslim. I want a Muslim wife.”

Ahmad’s mother laughed sarcastically and said, “You speak as if you were an angel who could only marry another angel. Why don’t you stop saying such nonsense, my son? You are an educated young man, you should give up your impossible ideals.”

“I am neither an angel, nor do I seek a saint for a wife. I am a Muslim believer looking for a girl who also believes in Islam.” replied Ahmad.

Ahmad’s mother told him, “I don’t know any girls who share your ideals.”

He said, “I know someone who measures up to my expectations.”

Startled by this admission, Ahmad’s mother asked, “You know someone? Who is she? Since when do you begin friendship with girls?”

Ahmad answered quickly, “I didn’t mean that I know a girl personally, but I know of her.” “I see,” she said. “You have already chosen your wife. Who is this lucky girl?” “Mother, please be more understanding. I hope you will take my side and persuade father to agree with my choice.”

This appeal to Ahmad’s mother softened her, and she said, “I swear that I think only of your welfare. I’ll help you. Tell me, what are this girl’s qualifications?”

Ahmad told her, “Nothing matters except the religious aspect. She is Muslim, and wears complete hijab.” “Oh, then she is uneducated!” “No, she has a high school education and her religious knowledge is extensive.”

Then his mother asked, “What family is she from? Do I know them?”

“She is from a good family known for their piety”, Ahmad told her. “Of what use is a well-known family if a girl has no Islamic morals?” He silently beseeched Allah to give him the patience to overcome his mother’s resistance. “A happy marriage doesn’t depend on fame or wealth. Happiness stems from spiritual nearness and mutual understanding.” Then, in a different tone of voice his mother asked,

“What does her father do for a living?” “He is a grocer,” Ahmad replied.

“A grocer?!”, she exclaimed. “Yes. He is a grocer and a very righteous man. He is the head of a happy and virtuous family.”

Ahmad’s mother interrupted him, “You are the son of a wealthy man; with your college degree you wish to marry a grocer’s daughter? What a shame! Yet you ask me to assist you! If I had chosen the daughter of a jeweler, how would you feel?”

His mother replied, “There is a big difference between a jeweler and a grocer.”

“The only difference is with regard to the substance. The former sells rings and the latter sells sugar. Both work in order to earn money,” Ahmad answered.

His mother lamented, “Imagine your father’s reaction to this news! ”

Ahmad said firmly, ” This is my desire, either you help me or I’ll do it myself.”

He spoke so seriously that his mother laughed mockingly, saying, “Does the matter require a great effort? The least move you make, they will give their daughter to you gladly.”

Ahmad shook his head in doubt and said, “Wait and see!”

“What an odd situation this is! Am I to present my son to a grocer’s daughter? What special beauty does this girl possess to make you blind to every other consideration?’

“I have not yet seen her,” Ahmad said.

“Then how do you know she’s not ugly?” asked his mother.

“I know she is not. As far as good conduct is concerned, physical beauty is of little importance.”

“Oh Ahmad, my amazement never ceases.”

The next morning, Ahmad told his father of his intentions. His father became angry, but Ahmad remained determined to marry the woman of his choice. Finally his father agreed and Ahmad asked his mother to visit the girl’s home to make the proposal and overcome any obstacles.

The following afternoon Ahmad’s mother, accompanied by his oldest sister, went to the girl’s house. On the way there, Ahmad’s sister asked her mother what the girl’s name was. Her mother replied, ” I forgot to ask him! “When they knocked on the family’s door, they were surprised to see a beautiful young girl open it. The girl was surprised to see the two unfamiliar women, but she showed them into the living room and went to tell her mother that they had visitors. Her mother welcomed the guests and waited for them to explain the reason for their visit. After exchanging greetings, Ahmad’s mother asked who the young girl was who had opened the door. “It was my daughter, Zaynab,” she replied. “Do you have any other daughter?” asked Ahmad’s mother. “No, she’s my only daughter”, replied her mother. Ahmad’s mother and sister were delighted to learn that the beautiful girl was Zaynab. Just then, Zaynab entered with coffee for their visitors. She sat next to Ahmad’s sister and they soon found much to discuss. Then she collected the empty coffee cups and left the room.

Ahmad’s mother began, “We have come with a blessed aim. We would be happy to have your daughter Zaynab as a wife for my son.” She praised her son for his intelligence, his good looks and his wealth, but she neglected to mention his firm Islamic beliefs, which was very important to Zaynab’s mother. Therefore, Ahmad’s mother was stunned when Zaynab’s mother shook her head slowly and said, “I’m very sorry. It is difficult for me to agree to this proposal; in fact, it’s impossible.” With much surprise, Ahmad’s mother asked, “What is impossible?”

“My daughter is still young. I’m sure your son can find a girl who suits him.” Ahmad’s mother protested, “But Zaynab suits him well! Would you be kind enough to justify your refusal?”

“I only have one daughter, and I should be sure of her future married life.”

“But Ahmad is well-off financially,” said his mother. “He is an engineer!”

Zaynab’s mother replied, “Zaynab would not marry someone because he is wealthy or has a college degree.”

Ahmad’s mother was at a loss for words. “Then what will ensure your daughter’s happiness and consent?”

“When a mother looks for a wife for her son, she should mention her son’s conduct.” said the mother of Zaynab. “My daughter is a committed Muslim. She wants a Muslim husband, and remember, my daughter wears hijab, and your son may want a modern wife, who dresses like his mother and sister.”

Ahmad’s mother laughed with relief and told her, “You’re correct. I haven’t mentioned his conduct. I thought that other aspects of his character were of more importance. My son is a faithful Muslim. He is, in fact, looking for a wife who observes hijab. Be sure that my appearance (un-Islamic clothing) is not to Ahmad’s taste.”

Zaynab’s mother also smiled and said, “You should have told me earlier! Please give us your address so we can visit you and learn more about your son.”

“We hope you can come early next week,” said Ahmad’s mother.

Ahmad was waiting anxiously for his mother’s return. As soon as she and her daughter returned home he asked, “Well, mother? How was your visit?”

“It was very strange,” she replied.

“What was strange?”, he asked. “Has anything bad happened?”

“Oh no, Ahmad. But I never expected such a thing,” she answered. “Then they have refused?” Ahmad’s father said, “How could a grocer’s daughter refuse a wealthy young man?”

Ahmad’s mother turned to her husband and said, ” They did, in fact, refuse…”

“What! they refused?” asked the father. “I spoke about Ahmad’s good qualities, but I didn’t mention his Islamic morals. My appearance also caused her to decline my proposal because her daughter is a very faithful Muslim. When I realized their objections, I told them that you are a true Muslim as well. I have come to respect them very much. They don’t care about status or wealth.”

“Have you seen the girl?”, asked Ahmad’s father.

“Yes, she is lovely and polite. Ahmad is a lucky man to have made such a choice.”

The following week, Zaynab’s family paid a visit to Ahmad’s home and plans were made for the upcoming wedding. They were soon married and there was much rejoicing.

Imaam al-Bukhaaree, may Allaah bestow mercy on him, stated (9/132): It has been relayed to us by Musaddid that Yahyaa relayed to us, on ‘Ubaydallaah that he said: Sa’eed bin Abee Sa’eed relayed to me, on his father, on the authority of Aboo Hurayrah, [radiyallahu anhu — may Allah (God) be pleased with him (said after the mentioning of a male companion of Prophet Muhammad)], on the Prophet, [sallallahu alayhi wa sallam], that he said:

“A woman is married for four (reasons): For her wealth, for her lineage, and for her beauty, so choose the one who possesses the Deen (religion) and you will be successful.” [And related by Muslim (2/1086)]

The meaning of the Hadeeth: The people choose wives for various reasons, and they are of four types:

1 – From them are those who strive for the rich and wealthy.

2 – From them are those who strive for good lineage and it is nobility.

3 – From them are those who strive for beauty.

4 – And from them are those who strive for the religious (woman).

Choosing a wife for wealth is not appropriate if she does not adorn herself with Taqwaa (fear of Allaah). In this case, she will desire to have unrestricted freedom and for her husband to be subservient to her puffing herself up over him. This is understood from her actions even if she does not say it.

Likewise is the one who has nobility if her spouse does not have her level of nobility.She will be haughty towards him if she does not adorn herself with Taqwaa (fear of Allaah).

Likewise is the one who has beauty. She will be haughty towards her spouse if she is not adorned with Taqwaa (fear of Allaah), and the one who the Prophet, (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) encouraged to marry is the one possessing the religion.

This does not mean that the man turns away from a woman possessing wealth, beauty, or nobility. This means that he should not make that his focus and he should choose the one possessing the religion. As for merging that with the Deen (religion), then this is good. The woman possessing the religion has Taqwaa (fear of Allaah). She is heedful of what Allaah has obligated upon her, and she abstains from His prohibitions. As He, The Exalted, has stated,

“Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient (to Allaah and to theirhusbands), and guard in the husband’s absence what Allaah orders them to guard.” [Sooratun-Nisaa (4): 34]

She keeps herself chaste, guards her husband’s wealth, she does not exit (the home) without his permission, and she is fully aware of her rights, so she does not exceed them. Being fully aware, even if she possesses the religion, it is inevitable that she will not be perfect and complete. She is deficient in her intellect and Deen (religion). This is not related to correcting her since this is not appropriate to be overlooked.

Likewise for the woman:

It is upon us to choose a righteous husband. How many women were righteous, but they did not choose a righteous mate and married a failure who pulled her to his ideology and his way? It is also possible that the man is affected by the ideology of his wife as occurred with ‘Imraan ibn Hattaan. He married his cousin to pull her away from the ideology of the Khawaarij and she pulled him to her ideology. So this is more likely to occur to the woman since she is quick and abrupt in changing to another state.

So we ask Allaah for stability and persistence. A companion will have an effect on his companion. Due to this, there is an encouragement of choosing a righteous companion.

In the Saheehayn (i.e. Bukhaaree and Muslim) from the Hadeeth of Aboo Moosaa, (radiyallaahu ‘anhu) that he said: , (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said,

“The example of the righteous companion and the evil companion is like the person that sells musk and the blacksmith. The person that sells musk will either give you some or you may buy some from im. The blacksmith will either burn your clothes or you will find a repugnant odor from him”.

In addition, the Prophet, (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) has said,

“A man is on the Deen (religion) of his friend, so beware as to whom you take as a friend.”

And the poet said,“Do not ask about the person but ask about his companionship, For every person exemplifies his companion.”

Moreover, Allaah has stated about the people of Paradise:

“Then they will turn to one another, mutually questioning. A speaker of them will say, ‘Verily, I had a companion (in the world), who used to say, ‘Are you among those who believe. That when we die and become dust and bones, shall we indeed (be raised up) to receive reward or punishment (according to our deeds)?” (The speaker) said, “Will you look down?” So he looked down and saw him in the midst of the Fire.”
[Sooratus-Saaffaat (37): 50 – 55]

And He, The Exalted, said:

“And We have assigned for them (devils) intimate companions (in thisworld), who have made fair-seeming to them, what was before them andwhat was behind them. And the word (i.e. the torment) is justified againstthem as it was justified against those who were among the previous generations of jinn and men that had passed away before them. Indeedthey (all) were losers.” [Sooratul-Fussilat (41): 25]

The woman possessing the religion strives for a husband possessing the religion and visa versa as the Prophet, (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) has said,

“The souls are recruited soldiers, so whoever amongst them bonded and became mutually acquainted then they were in agreement, and whoever amongst them rejected and disavowed each other then they differed.”

And in the parable,“And everyone strives for someone similar to him.”

And in another parable,“The birds gather with those similar to them, so everyone strives for someone similar to him.”

Another hadeeth encouraging marrying a righteous wife:Imaam Muslim has stated (2/1090): Muhammad bin ‘Abdullaah bin Numair al-Hamdaanee relayed to me, that ‘Abdullah bin Yazeed relayed to us, that Haywah relayed to us that Sharhabeel bin Shareek informed me that he heard Aboo ‘Abdur Rahmaan al-Hablee relaying on the Messenger of Allaah, (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) that he said,

“The Dunyaa (the life of this world) is a commodity and the best of its commodities is a righteous wife”.

By: Umm ‘Abdillaah al-Waadi’yyah

Beijing (ANTARA/Xinhuanet-OANA) – Perempuan yang menderita sakit kepala sebelah selama hamil menghadapi resiko paling besar untuk terserang bermacam stroke dan penyakit pembuluh darah, kata satu perhimpunan ilmuwan AS yang melandasi pendapat mereka pada studi pengendalian kasus, Rabu.

Temuan tersebut, yang disiarkan dalam BMJ, jurnal medis umum internasional, terbitan pekan ini, mendapati bahwa perempuan hamil yang menderita migren 15 kali lebih mungkin dibandingkan dengan perempuan lain untuk menderita stroke, dua kali lebih mungkin untuk mengalami serangan jantung dan tiga kali lebih mungkin untuk menghadapi pembekuan darah dan gangguan lain jantung selama kehamilan.

“Perawatan yang baik sebelum kelahiran diperlukan. Perempuan dengan migren berat yang terus-menerus selama masa kehamilan mesti menyadari semua factor resiko yang mereka hadapi, seperti tekanan darah tinggi, kolesterol tinggi, diabetes, sejarah pembekuan darah, sakit jantung dan stroke,” kata pemimpin peneliti dalam studi itu, Dr. Cheryl Bushnell, ahli syaraf di Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center.

“Tampaknya juga ada hubungan antara sakit kepala sebelah dan preeclampsia, salah satu komplikasi kehamilan yang paling umum dan paling berbahaya,” kata Bushnell.

Bushnell dan rekannya menganalisis data dari 33.956 perempuan hamil yang didiagnosis menderita migren.

Menurut studi tersebut, sakit kepala sebelah muncul pada sebanyak 26 persen perempuan yang sedang hamil. Perempuan yang berusia 35 tahun ke atas lebih mungkin untuk menderita migren selama kehamilan.

Perempuan yang berusia 40 tahun ke atas 2,4 kali lebih mungkin untuk terserang migren dibandingkan dengan perempuan yang berusia di bawah 20 tahun, dan perempuan kulit putih lebih mungkin untuk terserang sakit kepala sebelah dibandingkan dengan perempuan dari ras atau suku apa pun.

“Migren, terutama yang berkaitan dengan aura atau perubahan visual selama sakit kepala, sebelumnya telah dikaitkan dengan stroke dan serangan jantung pada perempuan,” kata Bushnell. “Studi ini lebih mengabsahkan hubungan antara keduanya.”

“Tak peduli apa pun penyebabnya,” tambah Bushnell, “migren aktif selama kehamilan mesti dipandang sebagai tanda potensi sakit jantung.”

Sumber: (news)

JANGAN terlalu sering mandi menggunakan air panas kalau tidak ingin kulit Anda menjadi kering dan keriput. Air panas menurut Dr. Tina Wardhani Wisesa, Sp.KK akan menghilangkan lapisan minyak sehingga penguapan air dari kulit akan lebih banyak. Akibatnya kulit akan terasa lebih kering dan mudah menimbulkan keriput pada tangan dan kaki. Bila hal tersebut berlangsung dalam jangka waktu yang cukup lama, bukan tidak mungkin akan terjadi penuaan dini.

Selain penggunaan air panas, kata Dr. Tina, pengaruh sinar matahari, kelembaban udara, pembentukan radikal bebas, penyakit sistemik, gizi buruk, stres, penurunan berat badan terlalu cepat dan perawatan kulit yang salah juga menjadi faktor luar yang dapat merusak jaringan kulit.

Sebenarnya, perawatan kulit itu sendiri tidak terlalu sulit. Masalahnya, banyak orang yang masih melakukan perawatan secara salah, misalnya, seperti penggunaan kosmetika yang digunakan tidak sesuai dengan jenis kulit. Seseorang dengan kulit kering, contohnya, menggunakan pembersih dengan kadar alkohol tinggi, sehingga menambah kekeringan kulit.

Perawatan kulit pun, menurut Dr. Tina sebaiknya dilakukan sejak dini, teratur dan dilakukan dengan benar untuk memperlambat proses penuaan. Caranya mulai dengan membersihkan, melembabkan dan melindungi kulit wajah dan tubuh. “Penggunaan pelembab di ruang ber-AC dimaksudkan untuk mempertahankan kadar air dalam kulit supaya tidak keluar. Terlebih lagi bila kulitnya kering. Sedangkan untuk perlindungan adalah dengan menggunakan krim tabir surya untuk menyaring sinar ultraviolet yang datang ke kulit,” jelas Dr. Tina. Selain itu, makanan bergizi, berolahraga, istirahat dan tidak stres juga menjadi bagian dari perawatan kulit agar tetap sehat.

Sumber: KOMPAS

Bahaya begadang. Berikut ulasannya :

Adapun penyebab utama kerusakan hati adalah :

1. Tidur terlalu malam dan bangun terlalu siang adalah penyebab paling utama.
2. Tidak buang air di pagi hari.
3. Pola makan yang terlalu berlebihan.
4. Tidak makan pagi.
5. Terlalu banyak mengkonsumsi obat-obatan.
6. Terlalu banyak mengkonsumsi bahan pengawet, zat tambahan, zat pewarna, pemanis buatan.
7. Minyak goreng yang tidak sehat. !

Sedapat mungkin kurangi penggunaan minyak goreng saat menggoreng makanan hal ini juga berlaku meski menggunakan minyak goreng terbaik sekalipun seperti olive oil. Jangan mengkonsumsi makanan yang digoreng bila kita dalam kondisi penat,kecuali dalam kondisi tubuh yang fit.
8. Mengkonsumsi masakan mentah atau sangat matang juga menambah beban hati. Sayur mayur dimakan mentah atau dimasak matang 3/ 5 bagian. Sayur yang digoreng harus dimakan habis saat itu juga, jangan disimpan.

Biar lebih tahu tentang bahaya begadang, ditambahkan juga pola-pola yang terjadi dalam tubuh kita.

1. Malam hari pk 9 – 11 :
Adalah pembuangan zat- zat tidak berguna / beracun(de-toxin) di bagian sistem antibodi (kelenjar getah bening). Selama durasi waktu ini seharusnya dilalui dengan suasana tenang atau mendengarkan musik. Bila saat itu seorang ibu rumah tangga masih dalam kondisi yang tidak santai seperti misalnya mencuci piring atau mengawasi anak belajar, hal ini dapat berdampak negatif bagi kesehatan.

2. Malam hari pk 11 – dini hari pk 1 :
Saat proses de-toxin di bagian hati,harus berlangsung dalam kondisi tidur pulas.

3. Dini hari pk 1 – 3 :
Proses de-toxin di bagian empedu, juga berlangsung dalam kondisi tidur.

4. Dini hari pk 3 – 5 :
De-toxin di bagian paru-paru.Sebab itu akan terjadi batuk yang hebat bagi penderita batuk selama durasi waktu ini.Karena proses pembersihan (de-toxin) telah mencapai saluran pernafasan, maka tak perlu minum obat batuk agar supaya tidak merintangi proses pembuangan kotoran.

5. Pagi pk 5 – 7 :
de-toxin di bagian usus besar, harus buang air di kamar kecil.6. Pagi pk 7 – 9 :
Waktu penyerapan gizi makanan bagi usus kecil,harus makan pagi. Bagi orang yang sakit sebaiknya makan lebih pagi yaitu sebelum pk 6:30. Makan pagi sebelum pk 7:30 sangat baik bagi mereka yang ingin menjaga kesehatannya. Bagi mereka yang tidak makan pagi harap merubah kebiasaannya ini,bahkan masih lebih baik terlambat makan pagi hingga pk 9-10 daripada tidak makan sama sekali. Tidur terlalu malam dan bangun terlalu siang akan mengacaukan proses pembuangan zat-zat tidak berguna.

Selain itu,dari tengah malam hingga pukul 4 dini hari adalah waktu bagi sumsum tulang belakang untuk memproduksi darah..

SOOO,,, mending engga usah sering2 begadang lah.. ^_^